
Openmoko - Freerunner的生產消息

最近OpenMoko的mailing list裏出現了有關於Freerunner的Mass production消息,原來的說法是在5月19,所以今天便立即有人急問了過程如何,至於實際付運的程況,俱體一點的回覆如下:

From: steve

yes. I figure the first of June or such phones will ship out of china to
Disty in EU and our HUB in the US.

We still need to figure whether to air freight or sea ship. that’s a 2-3
diffrence right there.

From: steve

I'm a Dope.

best case is I would start to test phones around the first of june. Then
pack and ship.

Air freight is probably 1 week to Fremont ca.
Sea is like 3-4 weeks.

hate logistics yet?



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